Australian Acting School for Students Worldwide
Since the AIDA acting school was founded in Hollywood 2002, Paul Parker curated a world class acting curriculum which was employed in multiple cities across America, Japan and Australia. Paul’s acting methods and techniques are still being used today and have resulted in successful students around the world.
From Los Angles to Melbourne, the AIDA acting school has exceeded its reputation for having the best courses and workshops and a reliable source for producing acting careers. AIDA acting school not only teaches you valuable acting skills, but also how to break into the film and television industry. How to find, prepare and book auditions, how to handle yourself as a professional actor and expand your industry network. AIDA encourages aspiring actors and performers to reach for the stars while teaching them the steps to get there.

Meet Paul Parker
Paul Parker initiated his commitment to teaching the art of acting at the esteemed Deakin University/ Victoria College (Rusden) in Melbourne, Australia. Graduating in 1991 with a Bachelor of Education in Drama and English, Paul laid the foundation for a career dedicated to nurturing emerging talents. As Paul’s teaching career began to take off, he packed his bags and set off for Hollywood where he launched his acting school AIDA. Paul then travelled across America, China and Japan teaching his world class acting training to aspiring actors.
In 2011 Paul decided to head back to home soil and returned to Melbourne, Australia. The AIDA acting school was still in full swing, and Paul continued to teach international acting students online and via Skype. Then, by popular demand, Paul returned to the USA for teaching tours in 2014, 2015, 2018 and 2019.
At the heart of AIDA is a passionate and devoted acting teacher. Paul is not just your acting teacher, he is dedicated to anyone with a thirst for learning. While this journey may pose challenges for many, Paul stands as the most reliable guide in the field. Paul is also an Author of two books for actors: Acting The Australian Way – Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Dymocks. Acting On Camera The Australian Way – Available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.
How do I Start a Successful Acting Career?
*Learn from Paul’s experience: Actor from 1979 to 2003, 2 awards, 33 films, 14 television shows & 34 theatre productions
*Learn the business of becoming a professional actor
*Gain valuable insight into how the Australian film and television industry works
*Get access to potential acting jobs and auditions around the world
*Join an acting school where multiple hundreds of students have booked paid work
*Join a acting school where students have won prestigious awards
*Join a vibrant AIDA community full of supportive, aspiring actors and creatives
*Meet and network with international actors and share experiences
*Join online courses and workshops to fit your lifestyle and schedule

TARNUE MASSAQUOI - Terminator: Dark Fate, Scorpion, Days of Our Lives, NCIS – Los Angeles
“I find Paul’s script analysis, camera and audition techniques very detailed and surgical. It allowed me to be more investigative, more curious and fearless. I thoroughly enjoyed audition techniques with Paul, because it has empowered me with confidence, walking into room, owning my read, focusing on the work and just being….I have garnered success through Paul’s teachings and that, I’m forever grateful… I still got my notes, and revised them on everything! Thank you, mate!” – Tarnue Massaquoi
Join The Australian Acting Academy Today
Our Australian acting academy encourages actors around the world to join together on this artistic journey. Together at AIDA we can inspire, empower, learn and grow as artists.